22 07, 2024

Upcoming Training: Novel Approaches for Overcoming Reproductive Trauma

By |2024-07-22T13:44:42-07:00July 22nd, 2024|Categories: Blog, Maternal Mental Health, Reproductive Mental Health|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Novel Approaches for Overcoming Reproductive Trauma - IVAT Training with perinatal expert Abigail Burd

Reproductive Trauma

Reproductive trauma is often kept secret, in the shadows. Infant death is a disenfranchised loss that our society doesn’t know how to properly grieve. Although miscarriage and pregnancy loss affect one in four women, we are told to keep it secret, leaving us to feel alone. Worse, those that experience it often blame themselves.

Selecting the right kind of therapy for reproductive mental health

Over the years, I have helped a number of my clients overcome various reproductive losses and birth trauma. As an integrative therapist, I am very strategic in selecting a combination of evidenced-based best practices as well as trusting my intuition to invent or match a novel approach.  

What is reproductive trauma?

13 04, 2023

Home/ Work for a Reproductive Psychotherapist

By |2023-04-14T09:54:50-07:00April 13th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Maternal Mental Health, Practice Updates|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

I met my friend Catie through the San Diego birth community. Back when I had my little ones and started my private practice focused on perinatal, or reproductive, mental health, Catie was one of San Diego’s most sought after birth photographers. In addition, she was influential in co-leading a local birth network and meet ups of birth professionals.

Abby Burd photo by Catie Stephens

When Catie shared about her latest project, featuring women working from home, in black and white, with all the tools of their trade, I signed up. When I’m not in one tiny corner of my bedroom for my video sessions with clients from all over California, my private practice office comprises the corner of the playroom/ laundry station/ multi-purpose storage dump-all room.

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